

Systema Operativos

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Ashampoo HDD Control v.3.0 [Multilen.][2014][MG][manten tus discos duros al dia]

Nuestros discos duros a travƩs del tiempo se irƔn degradando si no realizamos un mantenimiento adecuado. Un sistema de archivos fragmentad...

The Hackers Manual 2016 [INGLES][PDF]

The Hackers Manual 2016 [INGLES][PDF]
The Hacker's Manual 2016 is a collection of the most essential features and tutorials from the excellent pages of Linux Format magazine, taking you through everything: choosing the right distro for the right purpose; picking up brand new software and coding skills to solve problems faster and more efficiently; making your network and computers more secure than ever before; and even having a little fun while you’re at it.

[ESP] SumĆ©rgete en el mundo del hacking con este manual en profundidad que cubre los grandes temas, desde el nĆŗcleo de Linux y mĆ”s amplio sistema operativo de cĆ³digo abierto para servidores de hackers, la web y mĆ”s allĆ”.

Dive into the world of hacking with this in-depth manual that covers the big topics, from the Linux kernel and wider open-source OS to hacking servers, the web and beyond. 

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